Our comprehensive digital conferencing, networked audio, and video technologies facilitate communication and productivity. This allows for efficient sharing of content and dissemination of information, as well as productive virtual meetings, benefiting both workplaces and learning institutions
We bring your spaces to life with AV integration
SYSTECH AV Canada is a total solutions provider for major types of applications in the Audio-Visual, Structured Cabling, and Security sectors. We specialize in providing a full range of services from consultancy and design right through supply, installation, commissioning, and servicing.
Our team has extensive experience in the Audio-Visual industry in the Middle East, and we strive to become a leading provider in Canada as well. With 18 years of experience in the AV industry, Systech can provide your business the growth that it needs.
Technology is integrated into every aspect of our lives, including the spaces we work, meet, and learn. Our skilled integrators can provide solutions for almost any space.
No matter what kind of integration project you need, our team of highly-trained Programmers, and Technicians are committed to ensuring a successful outcome every time. If you're seeking a solution that can be implemented quickly without the need for a customized solution, we have you covered with a range of pre-designed AV solutions.

If you already have a solution ready and are searching for assistance with its installation and maintenance, Systech AV can help you accomplish your goals.
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